Upgrading DjNRO from 1.1 to 1.2 or later

DjNRO 1.1 targeted Django 1.8. Version 1.2 was updated for Django 1.11

The main change in the Django 1.11 update is that the python-social-auth package was split into social-auth-core and social-auth-app-django.

This affects the database (see the following section on migrations) and MANAGE_LOGIN_METHODS in local_settings.py, where you must replace social namespace with social_core.

Additionally, the TEMPLATES_DEBUG setting has been removed and template debugging is controlled by DEBUG -- this was already the default for TEMPLATE_DEBUG in local_settings.py.

DjNRO 1.2 also includes the adaptation for eduroam database version 2. See the respective section that follows for some important implementation notes.

Finally, this version includes more languages and translations (Spanish, Romanian). You can restrict the available translations by overriding LANGUAGES in local_settings.py.

Backup data

Dump data (always keep a backup):

./manage.py dumpdata --indent=4 --natural-foreign --exclude=contenttypes --exclude=auth.Permission > /tmp/eduroam_1.1.json

And, possibly, also make a full database dump from your database, as well as an archive of your installation tree -- to be able to revert if something goes wrong.

Install DjNRO

Install DjNRO >= v1.2 by following the installation instructions -- configuring it to use the same database.


Social Auth Core

The python-social-auth package has been split into social-auth-core and social-auth-app-django. The latter package carried over database migrations from the older package, however the Django app was renamed twice in the splitting process: default to social_auth and then to social_django. For this reason these migrations are declared as replacements for the corresponding migrations under the deprecated application names. However Django requires that all such migrations are recorded as having been applied, or else it will not consider the migrations carried over in social-auth-app-django as having been applied. If that happens, you will come across this seemingly irrelevant error while running migrations:

KeyError: ('social_django', u'usersocialauth')

There are two alternative workarounds for this issue:

  • Install the last version (before the split) of python-social-auth before installing DjNRO v1.2 and run migrations:

    # if you are using an older version of pip, you may need to run it # with --index-url=https://pypi.python.org/simple/ pip install python-social-auth==0.2.21 ./manage.py migrate

  • After installing DjNRO v1.2, run ./manage.py shell and use the following commands to get the migrations recorded in the database as having been applied:

from django.db.migrations.recorder import MigrationRecorder
for m in MigrationRecorder.Migration.objects.filter(app='default'):
    if not MigrationRecorder.Migration.objects.filter(app='social_auth', name=m.name):
        print("Recording migration default:%s as social_auth:%s" % (m.name, m.name))
        m_social=MigrationRecorder.Migration(app='social_auth', name=m.name)

After applying either of these workarounds you can then run ./manage.py migrate.

Implementation notes: eduroam database version 2 adaptation

Please consider the following notes and caveats with regard to the eduroam database version 2 adaptation:

  • UUID is enforced for Institution.instid, ServiceLoc.locationid. Such fields are not editable through forms, while parse_institution_xml defaults to deriving a UUID by means of MD5 hashing, if the input is unsuitable.
  • If you want parsing to fail, skipping the corresponding location element, use --no-derive-uuids-with-md5 instead.
  • Coordinates are modeled as many-to-many for ServiceLoc, but only a single set is supported currently (this is enforced by a signal receiver). ServiceLoc maintains longitude, latitude attributes as proxy (cached) properties to the related Coordinates object. On the other hand, parse_institution_xml retains the first set of coordinates it encounters in a location, printing a warning if more are found.
  • Coordinates are currently ignored in institution edit form, nor are they otherwise presented anywhere, while they are processed by parse_institution_xml as expected.
  • Other than the latter, altitude is thus currently ignored.
  • Data migration from ServiceLoc.wired to ServiceLoc.wired_no is driven by settings.SERVICELOC_DERIVE_WIRED_NO, which defaults to mapping True to 42. You can override this in local_settings.py, for example:
    True: 123,
  • Compatibility with all eduroam database versions is retained throughout db views and parse_institution_xml. For the latter the version may be provided through a command-line option. For the former the requested version is inferred by considering path, query parameter or resource (realm vs. ro). If no version is specified/hinted, a default is used, which, as of now, is version 2. In order to revert to version 1, add the following to local_settings.py:
from utils.edb_versioning import EduroamDatabaseVersionDef
    'default': EduroamDatabaseVersionDef.version_1,

See Also

The guide for upgrading from 1.0 may also prove helpful for migrating from older versions of DjNRO to 1.1.