.. _require-label: Required Packages ==================================================================== DjNRO heavily depends on the following: * Python (<3 & >=2.6) * Django (>=1.2) - python-django * memcached * python-django-extensions * python-mysqldb (If you wish to use MySQL as the DB backend) * mysql-client-5.1 * python-ipaddr * python-django-south (For database migrations). If you deploy MySQL >=5.5 and earlier versions of south (< 0.7.5), you are advised to upgrade to South >=0.7.5, as you may suffer from this `bug `_ * python-django-tinymce (Flatpages editing made easier) * python-memcache (Yeap! You need that for Google maps locations caching) * python-django-registration (User activation made easy) * apache2 (We suggest apache with mod_rewrite enabled - use your preferred server) * libapache2-mod-wsgi * apache2-shibboleth : The server should be setup as a Shibboleth SP * A mail server - Tested with exim Django Social Auth ----------------------------- User authentication via social media is carried out by the `python-django-social-auth `_ python-django-social-auth package. If your distro includes it, then go via your distro installation. In any case we have included python-django-social-auth as an application inside the djnro Django project. Django Social Auth: Requirements - Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * python-django-social-auth * OpenId support depends on python-openid * OAuth support depends on python-oauth2